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Our Fees

We like to keep things clear between ourselves and clients so we are upfront about our fees.

We believe that is important to develop a relationship with our clients that is clear and imposes the minimum of barriers to regular contact. This unrestricted ability to communicate is critical in ensuring that we provide an innovative and proactive service. We recognise that this cannot be achieved unless there is a clear understanding of the fee arrangements between us.


We charge fees in one of two ways:

  • Fixed fee - we will quote in advance for the cost of undertaking the range of services you request from us. This will be adhered to unless the nature or scope of any assignment alters during the course of our work and then only after proper consultation with you. Our fixed fee arrangement also requires payment by you through a monthly standing order arrangement.
  • Time basis - calculated by reference to the seniority of the personnel involved and the complexity of the service provided. Where possible we will provide a non-binding estimate in advance.


Whether you are charged on a fixed fee or time basis, bills are normally submitted quarterly. However, for larger assignments, such as accounts preparation, an account will be given to you on completion of that work. For those clients not on a standing order arrangement, fees are payable 7 days from issue.